Human Resource Recruitment & Selection Process

Shubhankar Consulting is highly dedicated to finding out the RIGHT PEOPLE FOR RIGHT PLACE for your organization. Because, we believe in your growth and excellence and we want to be your valued partner of progress. Our processes regarding attraction, recruitment and selection of the best talents are of the best quality you can bet. We are superbly organized, systematic and use the most updated resources to seek out the RIGHT CANDIDATES for your organizations.

We believe being organized is the key to any successful job. With this view, we conduct the recruitment and selection process in the most systematic way. We make sure your hiring team is making the wisest decisions when they are open to selecting manpower for your company. Your job is made easy because we present employment specialists to assist you. They know how you want your job done and come forward with the missing puzzles.

We do the recruitment and process by collecting several pieces, as such: sourcing candidates, reviewing and tracking applicants, conducting interviews, and selecting for employment.

Sourcing Candidates

The first and foremost step of the recruitment process is sourcing. In this step, we spread our connectivity to look for candidates who can meet your needs. We believe great employees can make your business shine our search for those great employees to start here. At first, we start with our inside connections. Referrals ensure trusted entities. We also conduct sourcing via various job sites and social media. We search for career sites, professional networking, and various industry parties. We are updated with the new comings and merge them with our experiences. Another smart move we follow is that we monitor employment changes in the industry competitors to recruit employees who have experience in the stated fields.

Tracking Applicants

The next step we follow in the process is tracking applicants. We have a team of patient recruiters. Our team reviews the resumes thoroughly. We use Applicant Tracking System to keep track of the resumes submitted to us. Management of job vacancies and applications are done effectively by our experts. We cooperate with your employment specialist team to know exactly what you need. Then we forward the applicants to them to choose who they want to call for interviews. Our system is fit for any small or large business. We keep records of the applicant resumes we get in our hands. In that way, they are saved for any future references. We never miss any chance in terms of finding the manpower you are searching for.

Preliminary Virtual Interview

To know the background, work history, and experience of the applicants we go for a preliminary virtual interview. The purpose of this is to know whether the applicant is fit for the job or not. The primary interview determines if the applicant will be called in for a formal interview or not. Because, a quick initial review will reveal those applicants who do not meet the minimum requirements for the job. It is the reality check for both the recruiter and candidates. The purpose of this step is to narrow down the whole process of eliminations the unfit ones.


In this step of the recruitment process, our recruiting team goes through the application and resumes of the candidates forwarded to them by the employment specialists. The hiring team invites applicants for a face-to-face interview. Time and place are generally selected by the employment specialists. All the applicants should be exposed to the same level of information. The interview session makes sure of that. After the interview is done, the employment specialists further narrow down the list of applicants. In some companies, the company manager can arrange for another interview for better quality manpower.


Once the hiring manager is sure the candidates are suitable for the job position, the employment specialists deal with the pre-employment issues, for example: checking background information, drug tests, or licensing information. After the final selection, they make the candidates aware of their position. After that comes the negotiation part. The employer and employee discuss the employment terms, company policy, compensations, and benefits. A job offer is always made in writing to document the terms of the agreement. Shubhankar Consulting is the leading recruiting service in Bangladesh for our well organized recruiting team. We are proud of what we do and the evidence is our record of works. Our human resource recruitment and selection process bring to you the ones you need for your job. Rely on us for the best outcome.