Employee Value Proposition Service

Shubhankar Consulting offers work permit consultation via Work Permit Consultancy Agency for Foreigners. We take proper notes of the things that should be done for verifying where the employees from our country are going. Authenticity is our virtue and we do everything to keep that protected.

We Provide

  • It is really hard to run an organization properly. It is harder to create a balance between employees and employment market preferences and perceptions. We make it easier for you to grasp the ongoing trends and make peace with both.
  • How your organization runs depends on how you value your employees. We identify the highest return investments. As a result, you can reinforce them accordingly and your employment value is properly addressed.
  • Our team is great at planning and implementing the plan. When we design the implementation plans for your employees they create a huge impact. We also measure the impact for better output.


  • There are countless benefits to the value proposition service. It improves your company's attractiveness. When you send out a job circular, the candidates will look for the value you will offer them. More employees will be interested in working with you in this way.
  • Such a plan also ensures greater employee commitment. When an employee gets exactly what he or she wants, the commitment they render will be of top rank. This will keep them motivated for what they do. They will not consider looking for any other options if their needs are met.
  • A well-managed proposition will also result in compensation savings. You can do better for your employees only when your resources are sorted the way they should be. When we manage your resources, they will be equally used and your business will grow.
  • Designing a proper EVP is needed to retain and attract critical segments for any company. Employment value proposition service perceives as the value the employees get through working for you. Each of the dimensions of EVP adds various attributes to your business. We assist you to get the right combination of attributes and investments.

People will work for you only when they get something from you. Huge businesses collapse for the ill-managed EVP. On the whole, the manpower you use in your company determines the output you will get from them. Trust us with your employees and you’ll get the best service.

Contact info.

Shubhankar Consulting, Chartered Accountants and Management Consultants SEL Trident Tower, 57 VIP Road, Dhaka - 1000, Bangladesh


Tel # 88-02-48318138

Cell # +88-01712298498

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