Introduction and challenges

Today’s business environment is characterized not only by competition but also by disruption

Business leaders today face a very challenging business environment marked by significant change, emerging technology trends, competition, uncertainty — and opportunity. Although many organizations find it hard to accelerate through the kinds of disruptions and mixed signals they face.
We have come to know from our experience and research that there are ways to position the business to drive through disruption and come out ahead, but it takes concerted action and preparation.

Our Approach

How we address the top challenges of innovation and strategy leaders

The accelerating nature of change makes it more difficult to get ahead and stay ahead. Our insights, advice and tools help innovation and strategy leaders achieve mission-critical priorities and position their organizations for growth.

Set a strategy for success

We together learn and act to make it conducive for the progressive functional leaders across the enterprise are taking to improve their execution, re-align their business strategy model and drive forward the organization’s objectives, especially through disruptive turns and uncertainty.

Build a successful strategic plan

Does your functional strategic plan promote functional initiatives that will drive enterprise productivity, innovation and growth?
Start afresh your strategic planning process with the step-by-step guide of Shubhankar Consulting.

Invest in Innovation & Growth

Amid uncertainty, it’s necessary to fund innovation and drive strategy changes and risk-taking. When managing change, rely on Shubhankar Consulting for tailored, flexible, current, reliable and practical support.

Providing actionable counsel to drive business transformation

Innovation and strategy drive business growth

Greater organizational complexity and fluctuating macroeconomic trends, combined with lower barriers to entry for smaller competitors, make sustaining growth increasingly challenging. Our insights, advice and tools help innovation and strategy leaders like you achieve your mission-critical priorities and position your organization for growth

How Shubhankar Consulting can assist in bringing in Organizational Excellence for its clients?

  • We take it as a System Perspective
    As consultants with expertise in all facets of the organization, we take a systems perspective to every engagement. We can help you think about the best use of your resources and as one of the many talent development approaches to ensure you have the right leaders with the right capabilities to tackle the challenges of the future.
  • Aligning Activities at the Enterprise Level
    In situations where different parts of the organization are implementing activities separately, Shubhankar Consulting helps clients achieve the benefits of an integrated approach.
    This may include linking critical enterprise business issues, implementing targeted varieties of activities based on need, and incorporating strategies into company-wide management development programs.
  • Creating Implementation Plans
    Shubhankar Consulting facilitates sessions with your organizational executives to produce detailed plans for mentoring programs to improve the leadership skills of managers and executives, as well as the necessary communication messages for implementing these initiatives.

Common Strategies we work with always

  • Market-entry strategy
    Market entry strategy is both a science and art in the same time. Collaborate with the client team to explore new markets (geographies, products or target groups) and benefit from our bespoke ability to combine strategy and research.
  • Organizational transformation
    We formulate your strategy plan and translate it into the right organizational structure and processes with your organizational team.
  • Value creation strategy
    Leverage team members of Shubhankar & Co. to define strategic and human capital approaches that can be adopted across your investment portfolio to drive shareholder value.

Contact info.

Shubhankar Consulting, Chartered Accountants and Management Consultants SEL Trident Tower, 57 VIP Road, Dhaka - 1000, Bangladesh

Tel # 88-02-48318138

Cell # +88-01712298498

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